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2018-2019 Airport Year In Review

Writer's picture: WPA EditorialWPA Editorial

Updated: Oct 13, 2019

From the desk of Airport Management, here is the year in review for Watsonville Municipal Airport fiscal year 2018-2019.


  1. Alleged diversion of revenue claim settled

  2. Primary Runway Two-Two Zero Rehabilitation

  3. Upgraded Signage and Runway End Identifier Lights installed

  4. FAA Flight Procedures brings new DPs: WVI 4 and GARLIK One

  5. Airport Operations Center opens for business

  6. FAA confirms $400k grant for Crosswind Runway Rehab

  7. Revenue exceeds expenses for 5th consecutive year

  8. Calstar based at Watsonville Airport Center

  9. “Beer Mule” craft brewery opens at 45 Aviation Way

  10. Construction of DGS facility at 120 Aviation Way continues

  11. Go Jump (Sky Dive Surf City) completes 2nd year of operations

  12. Two Airport Ops Specialist pass Operations Certification Exam

  13. Annual hangar inspection 90% compliant

  14. Airport contracts for Economic Impact Study

  15. Selected new Planning, Environmental & Engineering Consultants

  16. Airport Open House third successful year

  17. Return of Airport Car Show; partner with local Club

  18. Sixth year of “Second Saturdays”; expanded to “2nd Weekends”

  19. Tenant Appreciation Fire Extinguisher Service & Blood Drive

  20. Tenant of the Year: Ken Adelman


  1. Santa Cruz Flying Club stolen aircraft

  2. Challenges with off field thefts

  3. Runway 27 take-off NA due to RVZ

  4. Parking availability a challenge

  5. Airport noise complaints rise


A look ahead to 2019-20

  1. Construction: Crosswind Runway rehab; Completed by end October 2019**

  2. Infrastructure: Roof maintenance/repairs; 3nd year of 3 year plan continues*

  3. Operations: Purchasing two new Airport Operations Utility Vehicles*

  4. Finances: Begins year with Airport fund balance over $500,000

The Five year Airport Improvement Plan summary


  • Rehabilitate runway, seal cracks and remark Runway 9-27**

  • Submit application for Airport Layout Plan and Airport Master Plan**


  • Submit application for Airport Permanent Ramp Rehabilitation Environmental Assessment**

  • Airport Layout Plan and Airport Master Plan commences**


  • Submit application for Primary Runway Extension Environmental Assessment**

  • Permanent Ramp Rehab EA commences**


  • Submit application for Design Permanent Ramp Rehab

  • Runway Ext EA commences, Airport Master Plan update concludes


  • Submit application for Permanent Ramp Rehabilitation construction

  • Permanent Ramp Rehab EA concludes**

* =via Airport Enterprise Fund, **= FAA funded

1 Comment

David French
David French
Nov 03, 2020

Dear Watsonville Airport Community,

Before Opening NorCal Avionics in 2015, I worked with Mike Pisenti at Airmartronics, that had been operating at WVI for many years. I do not come from a business background, but I decided to open NorCal Avionics because I enjoy electronics and aircraft (pilot for 35 years). I also wanted to support the GA community with avionics services that looked to be in somewhat short supply after Airmartronics closed.

Now as one of the worse years is coming to an end, I can not believe that my avionics business plans could also be ending. After all my years of setup and working with the FAA, I am now getting forced off the field by airport management.…

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